Celebrating the wonderful world of food, music and design on a ceramic plate

33 RPM
This idea evolved into the possibility of creating a product that combines the world of product design, food and music. Creative Chef Records is a way to taste your favorite artist on a designer plate from your own collection. The record sleeves are designed by Dutch design studio Autobahn. ‘As creative thinkers, we immediately fell in love the idea Jasper brought to us. Jasper has a specific aesthetic touch in his cooking style that we wanted to captivate in this project. We came up with the idea to use the ingredients of the dish in a mandala form by spinning them round like a turntable and photographing them at 33 rpm.’ says Rob Stolte, one of the founders of the studio. ‘The backside of the record sleeve is presented as a menu, containing some explanation about the artist and a link to the song on Spotify, an ingrediënt-list and a step-by-step instruction how to cook the artists favorite dish.’

Salone del mobile
The Project is launched at the Salone del Mobile 2018 where the Creative Chef showcased 12 titles of Dutch artists who participated in this prototype phase! ‘I think it has the possibility to become something big. There are already companies from the design world, the food and the music world that follow this project with great interest. Also a lot of musicians are very enthusiastic and willing to participate. Imagine selling your music with your recipe inside a museumshop or designershop. The possibilities are endless! We are already talking about dinner-for-two in a double sleeve and other spin-offs. The coolest thing is that I started my own record label on which I can bring out my own recipes, cooking songs music and design’, says Udink ten Cate.