Art Directing a magazine with a seven-year cycle for an ambitious consultancy firm

REIS #1: Departure
The June 2019 edition is the first in a series of 7 magazines and is all about The Departure: Why are you going? What do you long for? Are you going or away from somewhere? The content and design reacts to this somewhat chaotic state of being: What is my grid? Are all the design assets correct? Do all stories fit the magazine?
- Sometimes you only know what you are looking for…. If you find it "- interview René Seeder
- "Our past, our future" - Article about leadership by Dominique Haijtema
- "I'm Leaving" - Essay by Lex Boon
- "About the Price of Success" - Stories from: Lucas Rive (chef of star restaurant "Lucas Rive" in Hoorn. He died unexpectedly in December 2019), Janine Smit (Dutch champion speed skating) and Jiri Brandt (Brandt & Levie sausage makers)

REIS #2: Direction
In July 2020 the second edition of REIS magazine was published: the Direction. This issue focusses on the disorientation after leaving: where am I going? How do I know this is the right direction? What can I do to alter course?
- Interview with Guido Kilsdonk: "I don't believe in a quick fix"
- Three portraits of mentors about their role in the background
- Interview with Gerdi Verbeet by Miloe van Beek: "Freedom"
- Do all those choices give you stress? An article by Maud Beucker Andreae
- Dutch Views: views from Dutch mosques by Marwan Bassiouni